The Second Sun Vol III
Step back into the world of The Second Sun...
The dark epic fantasy sequel to The Second Sun: Volumes I & II, a rich study of our hearts in love and peril, through many of the characters from its predecessor, as well as new personalities seeking refuge amidst a world of ash that suffers further the chaos of war and climactic cataclysm.
Volume III explores more thoroughly the revelations we abide as company to our despair, themes of heroes seeking to earn the cherished reparations of liberty for others, of villains undermining just governments, of the death of restraint we mean to sew in decency for the prize and hymn of lasting peace, while submitting glory for virtue. There are hundreds of characters rendered distinct in their portrait and want, in their dreams and their terrors, and to what purpose, noble or evil, they choose to serve as emissary. It is an adventure crimson and dimly lit, for it is the brood of disaster, and my most essential being, truths I know and lament, or those I seek to feature for their worth in expressing our unmoving vision of goodness.